Saturday, February 2, 2013

Technology Education

Technology is now completely taking over. As i think back on the first time I used technology I think about how simple it all used to be. I used to be in fifth grade and we used to do this interactive math program that ran on a DOS program (or something like that).
Times have changed and we have moved on from using DOS to using much more advanced programs. Now if I had the chance to use technology in the classroom. I would use things that would enhance and engage all of my students and their learning.
In a classroom setting as advance as technology is we can computers and apple product lke the ipad and ipod touch.
On the Ipad and Ipod there are apps that go over the ABC,apps that tell stories, apss that help count number, and countless of others.
One way i have noticed apps are efficient as an example ill used Dr. Seuss ABC's its an apple app, which reads the books and children can go back to a word they don't know and it tells the spelling pronunciation.My 4 year old nephew is very attached to this app and with it he has learned lots of words even whimsical one's which Dr. Seuss is known for.

Technology will continue to develop and as it does it will be something we humans will adjust with.
Eventually technology will be in every classroom, and used by everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I recall the days when technology was still getting started as well. The days of DOS, and very limited graphical interfaces. I could not agree with you more that technology has the potential to engage students on many levels.

    I love that you mentioned apps that you've seen your nephew get attached to. It's a great argument that independent one-on-one interaction with apps has grown in the past years, and proven to be very engaging for youngsters.

    The flip-side to that argument is often that many of the learning experiences currently provided by apps can be "isolating." In other words, there are folks that are worried not enough socialization time and face-to-face interactions are occurring because of technology.

    I'm not on any one side, but it is a rich discussion that is occurring all the time. The interesting part for us is that teachers are often being looked at as the folks that can "humanize" technology. Creating a space where apps can allow for collaborative learning with other peers and not just with the computer.
